๐ŸŽ™ Have we considered starting a podcast?


Food For Thoughtโ€‹
15 September 2023

Greetings, friends - it's been 3 weeks since our last issue!

Since our last issue went out, we've shifted the majority of our focus towards planning out new content for the channel. The last three months for us has been an exercise in trying out new things, considering the direction that we want to take our channel, and figuring out video formats that we think will be entertaining for you guys - and we're super excited to be sharing more content with you all soon :)

Remember to please get in touch with us via email or Instagram DM if you have any questions or thoughts on any of our content! We'll do our best to reply - at the minimum, we read everything you guys send our way (including every comment on our videos!).

A bit of daily appreciation ๐Ÿซ‚


Em and I have incorporated something new into our daily routine which has been a very positive addition: we end each day by telling the other person one thing that we appreciate about them, or are grateful for, from that specific day.


Since we've started working together on creating content on YouTube, it's safe to say that our relationship dynamic has evolved. It can be tricky working with your spouse, just as much as it can be one of the most rewarding experiences ever. Ultimately, we've found that whether it ends up being a positive or a negative experience in the long run really depends on how deliberate we are about trying to be the best versions of ourselves for each other in every context.

In our case, we found that taking a small moment to appreciate each other at the end of the day was great for a couple of reasons: firstly, there are myriad benefits associated with a daily gratitude practice. We previously found that we felt a lot better mentally when we started and/or ended the day with a bit of gratitude. Directing that gratitude towards each other has been even better, since it gives us an excuse to be nice to one another!

Secondly, appreciation/gratitude is a nice way for us to reflect on something positive about the other person every single day. Particularly on days when we're both busy, and don't get much time to just hang out and enjoy each others' company, sharing something we appreciated from that day is great for ending the day on a positive note.


We highly recommend trying this out with your spouse or loved ones - it took working together for us to implement this practice, but honestly we think it would have been something great to do at any point in our relationship.

Have we considered doing a podcast? ๐ŸŽ™


This issue's featured comment comes from out most recent upload, where a viewer asked if we've considered doing a podcast!

The short answer is that yes, we have considered this. The longer answer, however, is that we wouldn't consider launching one in the immediate future. To further explain this, we thought it might be good to share our thinking process behind our channel, as well as content generally.


Currently, our main focus as creators is to make entertaining long-form videos on YouTube for you all to enjoy! We've been on YouTube for just about 2 years now, but there's always more to learn and more to experiment with. This is particularly true since we do everything on our channel ourselves, and neither of us have any professional training in how to use a camera, edit videos, or do sound design. Being self taught, and having a consistent upload schedule, means that for each upload we do the best that we can, and just try to improve at least one thing in our process with each video we put out!

With content on our channel as our main focus, taking on additional forms of content is something we think about very seriously. Even short form content (Shorts/Reels etc), which we've started making some of, make sense for us insofar as they don't take away from our main focus too much. So, while we are particularly interested in starting a podcast at some point, this would be something that we would only consider doing when we had the capacity to do so on a regular basis, without taking away any meaningful amount of our focus and attention from our main channel's content.


With all of that said, our most recent video (which we filmed in our friend Tracy's gorgeous studio here in Hong Kong) is shot in a bit of a *podcast lite* format, with us talking to each other for the entirety of the video.

Expect to see more of these! We had a lot of fun with the format, and will certainly be using it as a mainstay on our channel going forward.

As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions on content you'd like to see, hit us up and let us know :)

Our Latest Videos

We took the MBTI personality test together


day in the life of an ex-lawyer | returning to law, feeling lost & a new routine


Thanks for reading!

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