๐Ÿ”Œ The art of unplugging


Food For Thoughtโ€‹
29 June 2023


Pressing pause โธ


Greetings, friends -

You may have noticed that we haven't uploaded a video for a couple of weeks following our latest video, The space in between.

Shortly after that video came out, we flew off to the US to visit friends, attend a family wedding, and celebrate my (Lloyd's) birthday!


We made a very deliberate choice to try and unplug a bit during this trip. It was hard to make this decision - as a creator, there's an overwhelming pressure to try to post as often as possible to stay relevant to your viewers and continue growing your channel.

However, we ultimately decided that the benefits of taking a short break this trip would outweigh the perceived downside, and might actually make us come back better as creators.


The idea of traveling always tempts us to take along our work thinking, "I'll be able to get some great footage here," or "there's a really cool idea for some content here..." and the location scouting, filming, and editing can turn into quite a significant portion of what we think about while we're traveling.

Keeping in mind, this usually doesn't feel like "work" to us, since we do really enjoy making content. However, when we've made plans to spend time with family and friends we don't see often or attend important events while traveling, thinking about whether everything we see or do could be "content" ends up feeling like a little too much. We suspected that taking some time away from our normal routines, especially on a trip so packed with family and personal obligations, might be really good for us - and so far it definitely has been.


With that said, this wasn't the sole reason we decided to take a break - we also realized that the experience of taking some time off can help recharge our mental and creative batteries, which would have an overall positive impact on the content we'd produce when we return home.

When we're constantly on the move, jumping from one task to another, our brain doesn't get the chance to really deeply consider the things we're doing, and whether they fit into the bigger picture. One of the takeaways we've had so far on this trip alone is that we definitely want to continue building on our own style of content, and keep expanding on the style of our last video.


This whole experience reiterated something that we often forget: breaks aren't a luxury, they're a necessity. Having an opportunity to reflect, consider what's going on in our lives, and experience it all in real time is a super helpful way to gain an updated perspective, and stay more in touch with the content that we make.


P.S. There's something ironic about writing a newsletter issue, i.e. content, about taking a break from content - but this is a short one and I'm typing this in bed while winding down for the day, so yeah lol.

P.P.S. Our last video was genuinely one of our favorites to make - if you haven't seen it yet, check it out here.

Thanks for reading!

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